Welcome to literature.arsnider.com, my new home on the web for all of my written works! Thank you for joining me on my philosophical and literary adventures!
This site is just now coming online and my hope is that it will serve as a directory and internet archive of the public writings I have done and will help foreshadow my plans for the future.
I almost always have several projects in the works. Currently I am slowly developing a few more substantial writings related to other activities I am involved in — such as interactive media, software, play studies (Ludology), games, and more. Most commonly however, I’ve been writing in the form of poetry and am about to launch a Kickstarter to publish my first full-length poetry collection.
What I will post most to this site are updates related to my books and related events as well as the occasional poetic verse.
If you’re interested in exploring new ideas, and feeling the force of the written word you’ve come to the right place.
I believe in the value of the written word to carry us to new places, and carry wisdom across the ages — and poetry in particular I find to be a very spiritual medium. Concise, descriptive and evocative, poetry is the playful working of words: a craft of the clever wordsmith. Since Homer’s poetry was once held as sacred as we consider the holy books of today, and poetry serves as a basis for most lyrical music traditions, it appears to me to truly be a divine practice, and it as one I have been unable to stop myself from partaking in.
So settle in. Relax.
Deeply exhale. Deeply inhale.
Close your eyes. Reopen them.
Smile, and embrace Soul-stirring words.